Lecture � Campbell, consciousness

Greg Detre



Mental representation

is mental representatoin the same phenomenon in input + general?

does it relate differently to input modules + general intelligence?


reasons � guide us through state state transitions

grasp why the transitions (in belief-formation) are right


input modular representations � know nothing of them

mechanical laws

possible to retrain but not a matter of rational reflection


conceptual, central system � usually available to consciousness


sometimes, the outputs (shallow) of modules are salient


Evant � explain conscious perceptual experience in terms of the information link between the input modules and the conceptual systems

what about blindsight?


access consciousness � used for rational control/speech + reasoning (see Evans� definition)

phenomenal consciousness = �experience�, what it�s like

P without A, e.g. hearing a car without paying attention

A without P, e.g. blindsight

�super�-blindsight � self-prompting


analysing phenomenal consciousness: having sensations

representations + their organisation


Block is fairly in favour phenomenal consciousness in terms of sensations


Neural correlates of consciousness

Crick-Koch � the NCC = the synchronised firing that is the upshot of the binding problem having been solved,i.e. responding to a single object

upstream or downstream though?


depends on representationalism

amounts to only access consciousness

no methodology for finding the NCC of phenomenal


Elusiveness + epiphenomenalism

caught in a room with a bat � fundamentally alien intelligence

no amount of scientific knowledge of the physiology of a bat will telel you what it would be like to be a bat

Jackson � Mary

inverted, absent qualia

how resist epiphenomenalism?

maybe mental representation depends on consciousness � then consciousness is doing some work


Searle � connection principle

high price to pay

doesn't distinguish between mental representation in input vs central systems

phenomenal consciousness provides concepts of ID of objects around us



can you get �super�-blindsight???

binding problem disappears with multiple drafts???

Chalmers � Available in the objective basis of experience (ch 5 or 6)

Dawkins � The Blind Watchmaker, intro